Osteochondrosis - degenerative disease of the intervertebral discs, the thinning of the disc, sclerosis of its surface and an increase in the regional osteophytes. The tissue of the intervertebral disc, the cartilage hardens into bone. Under the influence of these changes in the disc presses on the nerves, what is the cause of the pain.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis:
- aching pain in the back, the more so, the violent movements;
- Pain in the extremities;
- Atrophy of the extremities;
- Cramps in the muscles, blocked the move.
If amazed the cervical spine, the disease manifests itself in the following symptoms:
- Pain in the shoulders, arms, head;
- Syndrome of the vertebral arteries (dizziness, ringing in the ears, colored spots in the eyes, throbbing headache).
Develop the disease can have the following causes: heredity, metabolic disorder, drug intoxication, infection, obesity, eating disorders, aging, Trauma to the spine, poor posture, sedentary activities, poor environmental conditions, high Stress situations, under cooling.
Prevention and treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease
The treatment aims at the elimination of pain, restoration of roots of the functions of the spinal, severe degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs. In the early stages of the disease, treatment with conservative methods. In the later stages of the recourse to surgical Intervention.
The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 1 month up to one year.
The complex conservative therapy includes methods such as:
- Remedial gymnastics;
- Massage;
- Physiotherapy;
- manual therapy;
- Traction of the spine;
- Reflex zone massage;
- Intake of medicines.

As prophylaxis is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid excessive physical strain, regularly back muscles develop.